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[法考漫谈] 欠学法网的一篇文章:50万换来的法考

kf603 学法1级 发表于 2020-12-19 23:38:20 查看:7295 回复:11 |阅读模式 来自: 中国黑龙江哈尔滨


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bjakv 学法5级 发表于 2020-12-20 11:02:49 来自: 中国北京


基本上  他们乐于发贴的内容如下:
1 今年放水了、通过率历年最高、连他本家近亲傻舅舅都一战通过!
2 在职宝妈3个月过法考   一天课没听,客观题裸考200分        顺便还生了个孩子
   学渣3个月过法考        一页书没看, 走狗屎运主观题130分  顺便还交了个女盆友
3 我有朋友在司法部(局)  关于通过率今年领导的意思是这个样子滴。。。。。
4 我有朋友在某某大学 是阅卷老师  今年阅卷特别宽松或特别严格balabala......

          但这种人,你一定要远离他, 因为雷劈到他的时候会连累到你

           正如法谚有云: 你们Y的哪凉快哪待着去!!!

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fasofa 学法8级 发表于 2020-12-20 22:27:57 来自: 中国浙江杭州
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mayuanhui123 学法1级 发表于 2020-12-21 08:25:30 学法网-手机版 来自: 中国山东济宁
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yuanzhuogan 学法1级 发表于 2020-12-21 08:34:14 学法网-手机版 来自: 中国北京
bjakv 发表于 2020-12-20 11:02


基本上  他们乐于发贴的内容如下:
1 今年放水了、通过率历年最高、连他本家近亲傻舅舅都一战通过!
2 在职宝妈3个月过法考   一天课没听,客观题裸考200分        顺便还生了个孩子
   学渣3个月过法考        一页书没看, 走狗屎运主观题130分  顺便还交了个女盆友
3 我有朋友在司法部(局)  关于通过率今年领导的意思是这个样子滴。。。。。
4 我有朋友在某某大学 是阅卷老师  今年阅卷特别宽松或特别严格balabala......

          看的出,以上这些人因常吃网红燕窝而葱命无比          但这种人,你一定要远离他, 因为雷劈到他的时候会连累到你
           正如法谚有云: 你们Y的哪凉快哪待着去!!!

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一树灯笼一树秋 学法1级 发表于 2020-12-21 11:23:52 学法网-手机版 来自: 中国江西抚州
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一头老吴 学法1级 发表于 2020-12-21 20:47:12 来自: 中国河南周口
bjakv 发表于 2020-12-20 11:02

A magical phenomenon

In the forum, some "capable people" only appear after the examination every year and before and after giving out marks

You don't usually see these people

He doesn't reply to the examiners who have questions

Never issue lawyer practice experience

And they won't share the test preparation materials

Basically, what they are happy to post are as follows:

This year, the water has been released, and the pass rate is the highest in all years. Even his close relatives, uncle silly, have passed the first World War!

After three months, Baoma didn't listen to the law exam for one day. She scored 200 points in the objective test and had a child by the way

After three months of study, I didn't read a page of the law exam. I got 130 points on the subjective question of taking the dog's luck. I also made a girl friend by the way

I have a friend in the Ministry of Justice (bureau) about the pass rate this year, the leader means this way.....

I have a friend who is a marking teacher in XX University. This year's marking is very loose or strict

It can be seen that these people often eat net red bird's nest, but this kind of person, you must stay away from him, because thunder will hurt you when he strikes him

First of all, they pay attention to the systematicness, integrity and synergy of the content before posting.

Be sure to attract eyeballs and make sure that there are hot spots after posting, and someone will follow and scold him.

The inner self-confidence made these people trample on the Dharma examination.

Secondly, SFB pediatric questions are an important guarantee for these people to pass the test easily.

The purpose of their posting is to make people believe that even the kindergarten children who just read in the FA Kao can kiss!

Thirdly, hold high the banner of not head and advocating that strong animals can go to the moon and bring Chang'e sister back, so as to prepare for the physical limit and learn science

Methods to recognize that light people do not speak martial arts, the word "Heaven rewards diligence" is smashed with their keyboard and saliva!

In a word, spraying excessive amount of hair gel makes them walk in the forefront of the legal examination. Scientific water blowing and efficient hair posting are the harmonious unity of their survival in the forum!

As the French saying goes: where are you cool and where to stay!!!

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13734679593 学法1级 发表于 2020-12-21 22:05:36 学法网-手机版 来自: 中国青海西宁
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13730628931 学法1级 发表于 2020-12-21 23:09:26 学法网-手机版 来自: 中国四川成都
一头老吴 发表于 2020-12-21 20:47
A magical phenomenon

In the forum, some "capable people" only appear after the examination every year and before and after giving out marks

You don't usually see these people

He doesn't reply to the examiners who have questions

Never issue lawyer practice experience

And they won't share the test preparation materials

Basically, what they are happy to post are as follows:

This year, the water has been released, and the pass rate is the highest in all years. Even his close relatives, uncle silly, have passed the first World War!

After three months, Baoma didn't listen to the law exam for one day. She scored 200 points in the objective test and had a child by the way

After three months of study, I didn't read a page of the law exam. I got 130 points on the subjective question of taking the dog's luck. I also made a girl friend by the way

I have a friend in the Ministry of Justice (bureau) about the pass rate this year, the leader means this way.....

I have a friend who is a marking teacher in XX University. This year's marking is very loose or strict

It can be seen that these people often eat net red bird's nest, but this kind of person, you must stay away from him, because thunder will hurt you when he strikes him

First of all, they pay attention to the systematicness, integrity and synergy of the content before posting.

Be sure to attract eyeballs and make sure that there are hot spots after posting, and someone will follow and scold him.

The inner self-confidence made these people trample on the Dharma examination.

Secondly, SFB pediatric questions are an important guarantee for these people to pass the test easily.

The purpose of their posting is to make people believe that even the kindergarten children who just read in the FA Kao can kiss!

Thirdly, hold high the banner of not head and advocating that strong animals can go to the moon and bring Chang'e sister back, so as to prepare for the physical limit and learn science

Methods to recognize that light people do not speak martial arts, the word "Heaven rewards diligence" is smashed with their keyboard and saliva!

In a word, spraying excessive amount of hair gel makes them walk in the forefront of the legal examination. Scientific water blowing and efficient hair posting are the harmonious unity of their survival in the forum!

As the French saying goes: where are you cool and where to stay!!!

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点石成君 学法2级 发表于 2020-12-22 08:45:48 学法网-手机版 来自: 中国
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